Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sleeping on his own...

The pictures say it all.

This is the face which I was so lucky to capture. It's Evann's "poo" face or the face he makes when he's making poo. It's hilarious and always cracks me up (though that happiness is shortlived, once I start to change him). This face is also a nice summary of how it's going with getting him to sleep on his own. The other picture is what I wake up to every morning. With that happy smile, I makes me forget how he slaps me in the face several times a night...almost.
Yes, despite a good college try, he's back in our bed. He slept on his own for a few nights, but after long bouts of crying. Desperate wails of loneliness and abandonment. Mommy L and I simply couldn't take it any longer. We've decided that we'd rather have him sleep with us until his early teens than go through listening to him cry all night. This child is DEFINITELY like his mother and father in that he is stubborn and persistent. It's not so bad, but we're now considering getting a larger bed.

Things in old Vancouver have taken a strange turn. We've turned into Toronto. Weatherwise anyhow. This picture was taken earlier this morning and doesn't quite give justice to the conditions here. We've since had another day of snowfall. It's strange since Vancouver has so many micro-climates the amount of snow varies greatly. It was fun to play with the neighbours' kids while shovelling the sidewalk. They'd lightly throw weakly made snowballs which I'd dodge easily and I'd throw a shovel full of snow at them almost knocking them down. Don't worry, no children were hurt or mistreated during the production of this blog.
Also, for over a week, we've had heavy rainfall and had a water boil advisory. Normally, this would not bother me at all, but with a baby, it sure does make for a lot more hassle. Mommy L has done a great job in dealing with things though.

I love these pictures. We went to our friends' place and took some pictures while Evann was playing with a beach ball. He really loved it. I love the look of anticipation before it bonks him on the head. Don't worry, no babies were hurt or mistreated during the production of this blog.

As far as Evann goes though, he continues to grow and change all the time. He's eating more and more solids (although it's funny we call them solids since it's pureed into a semi-liquid). He's so good except when it comes to bed time. Having said all that, we love him dearly and Mommy L and I both agree that having sleep issues as the worse thing to deal with is not too bad.

Well, Christmas (dare I say "First Christmas") is just around the corner. Our tree went up today. Though not yet decorated, it brings back fond memories of Christmases past. It'll really be a special Christmas this year. I can't wait.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more adventures of East Van Evann!

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.