Tuesday, April 10, 2007

March Madness!!!

There were a few really exciting events this past month (the Easter bunny was just one of the events). Evann's Easter Egg hung wasn't that exciting, just a single egg "hidden" in the middle of the room - he found it though!

The first one involved one of my closest friends, Sinclair. He was recently engaged and his fiance and her entire family came up for an engagement dinner/meet Sinclair's family. I was honoured to be invited to the festivities. We had a marvellous meal at Sequoia Grill (formerly known as the Teahouse Restaurant at Stanley Park). It was the first time I had driven through Stanley Park since the wind storms and I was surprised and shocked by the devastation. I had no idea that the destruction was so widespread. I digress...Christine (Sinclair's fiance) is an incredibly wonderful woman and her family is equally charming. We had a wonderful time with them and finished the night with a group Wii outing back at our place.

Another exciting event was that Evann was baptized. He is now considered a Christian though we will be bringing him up with knowledge of other religions (which is okay by the United Church of Canada). Of course, the baptism wasn't smooth sailing, in fact, I actually missed the event. Let me expand...Evann was in good spirits and was dressed so nicely as was Mommy L. and I. The youth minister's son (Peace) was also being baptized and they were having fun playing with one another. Just before the baptism, Evann starts coughing and looks uneasy. Before I know it, I'm COVERED in warm milk...from Evann's belly. Mommy L. looked at me with shock and horror before bursting out laughing. To review the situation, we're in the chapel and in service and I'm covered in baby vomitted milk. I hand Evann to his mom and take off for the bathroom. Upon returning, the baptism was finished and I managed to click a couple of photos. It made for a memorable event anyhow.

The last exciting event was going down to San Francisco with my buddies to watch some March Madness (US College Basketball Tournament). Brad came from Toronto, Bryan and I from Vancouver and Sinclair hosted us. It was a quick trip, but a lot of fun. The basketball was good, but the atmosphere and culture of US colligiate sports is like nothing explainable. It's a totally different world. Pictures are currently being screened for appropriateness.

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.