Tuesday, March 04, 2008

March 2008

It's been an interesting few weeks with emotions running high and low. Outside the everyday business and busyness, my father was recently diagnosed with some news. He had some lumps in his neck and had a needle biopsy and was diagnosed with lymphoma.

Now I've learned there are many different kinds of lymphoma, which I won't get into. I'll simply say that there are some which may greatly affect his life and some which he could live simbiotically with. As we waited to hear the identification of what type it was, I was very impresssed to see how my father and my family was handling the news.
My father's attitude was one of calmness and philisophy. He didn't deny, get angry or get depressed...he started writing emails to the family about his thoughts. While we were anxiously awaiting the results of his subsequent node removal/biopsy, this was a great way to share our thoughts and feelings as well and come to grips with whatever was coming.

The test results were shocking and totally unexpected...
Negative. Inconclusive. And not lymphoma. Wow. Sigh. Exhale. It was wonderful and paralyzing at the same time.

Dad is still getting some test and has since had a bone biopsy, but the Dr.'s can't find a conclusive diagnosis. Despite not know what is going on, we're all enjoying our time together with our father while he is still active and healthy.

Mom and Dad still come over a few times a week and help us out often with Evann. Most recently, Evann has taken to helping hal-ah-bo-gee (grandfather) in the garden. It's so great.
Let us remember to enjoy every moment with our loved ones. Every moment is precious. I have been trying to reconnect and reach out to all those who have been important to me in my life.

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.