Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Back to La-La-Land

It was back down to LA for our first "vacation" with Evann. Evann's 2nd airplane trip was much more eventful than his first (when he was only a few months old - see previous blog entry in August 2006). This short 2.25 hour flight felt like it was a trans-Pacific flight. Evann was very energetic and excited to say the least...he was THAT kid on board. It was exhausting.

We went to visit our friends/family who just had another baby Zoe (3 months ago). Their son is around 9 months older than Evann and they got along very well...and even shared their apples! Sinjin would often ask Evann, "Happy?" to which Evann would enthusiastically nod.

We had a great trip full of food, shopping and swimming! We look forward to the kids growing up together with this hopefully annual trip. Evann would wake up every morning and run to see the baby. I'm hoping he'll be a good big brother!

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.