Thursday, October 26, 2006

Five months...Already?!?

Wow, I can't believe it. I send a public apology to all those parents out there whom I privately shrugged of when they said it would pass by quickly. Okay, he's not quite 5 months, close enough, but it's been a wonderfully fast ride, thus far. Here's what I've learned about the boy in the past 5 months, he likes: jumping, baths, talking, eating, lights/shiny things (what guy doesn't), hockey (seriously, he actually watches me play and sits quietly) and being carried in the baby carrier. He dislikes: the car seat, having his nose wiped, being woken up, going to sleep, and wet/poopy diapers (I too dislike these for a totally different reason).

We're seeing advancements and "firsts" all the time. Let me start with all the firsts: drooling, Thanksgiving dinner, eating rice cereal, roll-over, cold and sleep over at hal-mon-ee's house (grandmother in Korean). I'm sure there are many more firsts, but I don't want to bore you too much. Another upcoming first is Halloween, I'm going to score BIG on that day with Halloween loot! We've got the cutest little costume, stay tuned for more on this topic in a future entry (with pictures)! Oh by the way, the doggy towel is not Evann's Halloween costume, it's a doggie towel.

Little East Van Evann is so incredible. My work takes me away from home often and it's getting more and more difficult to leave my beautiful wife and adorable son. I sit in my hotel rooms and get misty eyed while I look at the video of him on my phone then I think about the undisturbed and uninterrupted sleep and I smile. Yet, Karma wields her head and keeps me from getting my slumbering prize. It's all worth it when I walk in the door to see the boy's full facial smile. What I mean is his WHOLE face lights up when he laughs, it's contagious and not even the worse day can keep me from smiling right back at him.

I know that I've been a little negligent in keeping my blog up-to-date, but there are reasons for this (some believeable, some not) so I'll just say it's due to lack of energy, not creativity. I think about the journaling the day's events and things I observe all the time, but suddenly it's 3 am and I'm changing Evann's diaper while half asleep. Babies are definely labours of love. I don't suspect that it will get easier as he gets older either (for those of you who are already there, don't tell me how it ends, I like finding out for myself). Stay in tune, you don't want to miss the Halloween entry, it'll be as good as a Simpsons Halloween episode.


Anonymous said...

hi sumchin,
EVANN is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
i miss you!!

Anonymous said...

he's sooooo adorable.

i must definitely pay you guys a visit the next time i'm in town. i just love evann's blog!

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.