Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy (1st) Halloween!

It was a cool, crisp night. It was a night where princesses, grim reapers and monkeys & lobsters lurked. It was a night which I've missed "actively" participating for 25 years. It was Halloween.

I was so excited to dress Evann up for Halloween, that I purchased his Halloween costume in early September while visiting my 2nd sister on Vancouver Island. I was over on the Island for a day business trip, but due to flight cancellations, I wasn't able to make it back home so I went with my niece and went shopping for some clothes to wear the following day. While at Old Navy, we noticed that the Halloween costumes were being freshly displayed. Upon seeing the monkey suit, I knew what Evann would be going as this Halloween.

Some may say that Evann is too young to go trick or treating, which is why I recruited my friends S & V to bring their little one (2 days older than Evann) as well. He's the lobster in the picture above. We joked around about how we were exploiting the infants, but really our intentions were strictly altruistic as we wanted to share our kids' cuteness with the world (or at least the neighbourhood).

We did both sides of the street for two blocks and by the end the little ones were quite tired. In fact, by the last few houses, Evann was asleep as I knocked on the doors and yelled out "Trick or Treat!" Holding out my...I mean, Evann's Halloween bag while I held him passed out is when I realized that this was truly exploiting of my child.

Returning back to my sister's home, I once again fell into the frenzy of Halloween. By that I'm referring to the systematic organizing and sorting of the candy by category, name and "deliciousity"...folled by the best part of Halloween...the trading. My nephew had a few friends and my two nieces went together too so there were many with whom to trade. I finally realized what it was like to be on the trading floor when surrounded by 6 kids under the age of 11 looking to score an Aero bar. Even better was the fact that I had two separate trading partners; one with the 11-year old boys upstairs and another with the girls downstairs. Long story short, I got rid of all unwanted candies and left home with just the prime candies. For those of you who are shaking your heads disapprovingly, you'll be happy to know that the kids received volume for quality.

I had to include these pictures of Evann. This was his alternate costume, but we couldn't find any good baby "bling" for him. Actually, this is a wonderful hip-hop outfit which a close friend of ours gave him. It's so cute and really makes him look like a cool dude.

Evann's new vice is his stand-alone jumper. We borrowed it from a friend after Evann tried it out. He fell in love with it and anything which distracts him from us holding him is a blessing. Evann is reaching 20 lbs. after only 5 months (5 of those pounds must be in his large cranium).

He is as dear as ever to Mommy L and I. Every week reveals new discoveries and advancements, it's such a special time for us. This week we're going to attempt to have him sleep on his own! Come back to see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

So so so cute. I can't wait to go home after work and show Granny H the pictures.

Your neighbours must have some interesting impressions of you after that trick n treat episode. Good on ya for taking some candy from the cousins' - i have been doing my part with Seamus' loot bag over the past few weeks. I swear when I was trick or treating I didn't get that much.

Anonymous said...

baby evann is so cute! i can't believe that he's growing so quickly as i am not here all the time and every single time i see him...he seems to be bigger and bigger! you guys are doing a great job! so when's the second one coming? hopefully we all don't have to wait too long!

love ya lots!

Daddy V. said...

Thanks KT & Elaine/Stephen. It's so gratifying to hear that people are enjoying the blog site. Thanks for taking the time and effort to read it...I know it's a lot of words for some and have been asked to make a comic format (more pictures less words). ;)

As far as when the second one is coming, we'll stick to our plan. When you have your first, we'll think about our second. Deal?

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.