Thursday, March 15, 2007


Wow...I can't believe it. Once again, people told me, but I didn't believe them. Time DOES pass quickly. As you can see from the frequent blog entries to the "once in a blue moon" entries now and the 200 pictures a day to a few a month, things have changed. Not bad, but changed.

Evann is growing at a pace which I cannot comprehend. If he continues at this rate he may become more than I can handle (see picture). Of course, even if he starts destroying buildings and eating Japanese people, he'll still be my little baby.

Since my last entry, life has become a crazy whirlwind. We decided to buy a house, sell our home, was filmed for a television show (HGTV's "Buy Me") and then the deal for the house we wanted fell through (bad inspection). We decided to still sell and find another house closer to my parents, but we couldn't find one. In the end, we're staying put and are quite happy to do so since we love our house.

As mentioned earlier, physically Evann is changing by leaps and bounds. He has 7 teeth and bites me regularly. Not those cute "gummy" bites of old, but full on "I want to bite a chunk off of you dad" type bites. The worst are the night bites while I'm sleeping and he decides to bite my shirt and gets a piece of me too. It is my motivation to work out and give him less flab to chomp on.

Here's a little clip of Evann around Christmas time. Our good friend posted it (thank Kat!).

He's now 9 1/2 months and started crawling about a month ago. He started first with just looking like he was crawling, a lot of hand motions with no real movement...and then, bam...the next week, he whips around like a water bug. He so darn fast and keeps us on our feets. Baby proofing the house is high on our list, right now, it looks like a scene from "Les Miserable" when the barricades are being put up. Also, around the time he started crawling, Evann started standing and chatting too. It's so amazing to watch him grow and develop.

One of Evann's favorite things is definitely his nightly bath time. One of my favorite things to do is to undress him in his room and then run to the bath tub then watch him come crawling out of his room at lightning speed. He's like a little crawling streaker and has a big smile on his face in anticipation of his bath. It's too cute.

Evann with his best bud, Kaizen! Mommy decided to dress them up with little pony tails (though I think they look like little baby samurais). As you can see, they're none too impressed. You may remember Kaizen as the baby lobster from the Halloween entry. He is adorable and they play really well with one another...okay, they play well independently, but geographically close.

I apologize for my lack of keeping on top of this blog and I do appreciate everyone who's written to me. I will add some pictures soon...once I find where the cables are to transfer pictures have been hidden from Evann's curious hands. Peace and blessings!

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.