Monday, February 02, 2015

A day not at home

Hello it's Evann again. I think you saw the last one and I thought I should make another one.

So just like the title says yes I wasn't home I actually I was at Cole's house and with another kid I don't know. And yes I did try to set a NES (Nentendo Entertainment System) and yeah I didn't do it and I failed.

And as I did that I saw someone playing Five Nights at Freddy's. My worst nightmare! And I for some reason watched him play.

Yup! Just like that! Well I also played some NHL 14 why 14 you know 15 is out there!
Well anyway I destroyed Cole and his friend 6-1 yes I am awesome and played the sims! 

Now that's all now I will write soon!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


We're back!!!

But now it's not just me and my perspective...but Evann's too!

Here's his first entry:

Hey I was gonna say that! My dad said what I was going to say "we're back!"

It's Evann and I'm 8 years old! I have grown as I aged and aged as I grown.  ;)

And I can't believe it's 2015 already!  We moved 2 and a half years ago but it's still sort of new for me.   I share a room with my brother, in fact we're in bunk beds together.

I am good today and my dad is feeling happy to write this blog (with me).

Now my favorite sports are hockey and soccer.  My favorite position for soccer is defense.  I like defense in soccer because I don't have a lot of pressure and I'm used to it.  I don't have a favorite hockey position because I just started, but I really like it!

And now my favorite games are Super Smash bros. 3DS , NHL15 and Minecraft.

I  am gonna write soon ,maybe tomorrow! And my dad will be happy!


Sunday, November 01, 2009

Happy Halloween!

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Okay, I know it's been a while, but I wanted to put up a couple of pictures of Evann's 3rd and Frazer's 1st Halloween! Once again, I enjoy Halloween. Partially for the candy and partially for the dressing up.

I've managed to convince Evann that the whole premise around Halloween is for the "spirit" of candy acquisition, not actual candy consumption. Evann wasn't really happy about being a dragon again this year so we managed to go a slightly different route. Evann loves this new animated kid's show called "Dinosaur Train" (what better marketing than dinosaurs with trains). So he was a Dinosaur Train conductor. Frazer was a big fat adorable skunk.

Evann was very good at saying that Halloween was over and though he was sad there was no more trick-or-treaters, he's happy to focus on his brother's 1st birthday.

I can't wait for next year all ready, Frazer will definitely increase the candy acquisition! ;)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Evann and Frazer & Frazer's First Christmas

So it's been a few weeks, the wait is over and the votes are in. Evann is a GREAT at being Frazer's big brother. It truly warms my heart and makes me so happy to see how Evann feels about his baby brother.

In the morning, Evann wakes up asking "Where is baby Frazer?" And if Frazer is crying, he is always concerned, "Why is baby Frazer crying, daddy?" It's super cute.

This was obviously Frazer's First Christmas (Evann's 3rd for you keeping score at home). Frazer did not seem very outwardly excited, but I could tell that he was.

This year I felt like a dad for the first time since I was up late putting presents together. It made me appreciate my parents and all the work that they've done for me and my sisters. Thanks mom and dad.
I'm not sure who was more excited on Christmas may have been me!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Welcome Frazer!

Well, he's here.

Another one.

Another baby in my home.

I can't believe it.

I'm very happy and proud to announce the birth of my son Frazer, born on Friday, November 14 at 5:09 am. Frazer was late to come out (about 5-7 days overdue), but when he was ready, he came out fast and furious.

Mommy L had an appointment with her OB Gyn on Thursday (Nov. 13) and the baby was very low so low that the Dr. decided to break the membrane (not her water) to get the process started. She commented that this baby would come fast so upon first contractions to leave for the hospital.

On Friday morning, Mommy L woke me up at 2:15 am saying that she's had two contractions. Then she corrected herself in saying, "I think I've had two contractions; I may have dreamt them." My options were simple, roll over and go back to bed or get up. Being the smart man that I am, I got up. But since we weren't sure of there being actual contractions we decided to wait and see how far apart they were (and if they were actually happening). So Mommy L played Tetris on her DS and I watched a PVR recording of "The Office". It wasn't long after that she had her first contraction at 2:30 am. Again, instead of heeding the Dr.'s advice of going immediately to the hospital, we waited to see when the next one occurred. 3:00 am. 1/2 an hour apart. No need to panick. 1/2 an hour between contractions is too early to go to the hospital.

Then 3:15 am the next one.

Now I'm no genius (arguable), but from 30 minutes to 15 minutes in 15 minutes meant that in theory the next would be in 7.5 minutes...3.75 minutes...1.875...etc...bottom line...the baby could be here very soon. NOW I was worried, but I didn't want Mommy L to know of my concern so I "casually" said, "we should go". Mommy L knew that I was worried, not from my words, but my actions of rushing around like a madman.

Upon arriving at the hospital at 3:45 am (lucky we moved), we were admitted and taken up to the case room (delivery room). The nurses were very nice and seemed relaxed until they actually checked how far along Mommy L was. Then like me, they started rushing around saying, "this baby is coming soon!" I thought soon meant sometime in the morning, but they meant SOON as in within next couple of hours.

Mommy L. was awesome. After only 19 minutes of pushing, little Frazer was born! The next chapter of my life (and this blog) has arrived!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

T-Plus 2-days?!?

Okay, I'm a pretty patient person. I can wait for most things without getting too crazy (unlike Mommy L. who must open presents upon receipt). But baby #2 is really testing my patience. He/she is already TWO DAYS past due date. Now normally, that's not too surprising, but he's dropped down and it seems like I can practically grab him now! Poor Mommy L. is in a lot of discomfort and some pain (from the kid's head being so low).

Mommy L. still looks great and is a super trooper. This is another picture from the pumpkin patch/corn maze. Thanks again Ben!

With Remembrance Day falling on Tuesday, it was a good week to be born. I made a deal that if the birthing day fell on November 11, I would make the middle name "Armistice". I thought it had a nice meaning and had a nice ring (thanks Uncle Rob for the suggestion). Only two problems, I have a really hard time saying and spelling Armistice. Anyhow, apparently the baby didn't like the idea either because he/she didn't come out that day.

Now, I say he/she because we really don't know. At 20 weeks, the ultrasound technician told us it was a boy and showed us his "family jewels" (which is quite indiscernible by me), but just recently the gynecologist said that we "shouldn't paint the room blue" because she couldn't determine the sex of the baby. Unfortunate, it was too late for that since the room is VERY blue. Oh well, girls like blue too!
I've given up on sleeping. Anxiety and anticipation has me on constant watch. Ready for the tinest sign from Mommy L. I hope the baby comes soon, I can't take much more of this (Mommy L. agrees with me...maybe a bit of an understatement). ;)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween III - Adventures in the Pumpkin Patch

I have been waiting for Halloween this year for many reasons:

  1. Evann is finally old enough to understand the concept of Halloween (get candy).
  2. We're in the new place where there's LOTS of kids to trick or treat.
  3. I bought Evann's dragon costume last year just after Halloween (75% off). Super cute and cheap (what's better?)
  4. Evann should get a LOT of candy this year with all my Jedi "getting candy" lessons
  5. I get Evann's candy.

With Mommy L. being so close to giving birth to Eburn (well...we do live in East Burnaby...don't worry, that won't be the name), we decided that we wanted to do some pregnancy and family pictures. Our good friend and photographer extraordinaire, Uncle Ben was kind enough to "volunteer" (thanks Ben).

With Halloween being the nearest holiday, we decided that a pumpkin patch would be appropo. We were blessed with some great weather for the shoot (though it was mucky from days of rains prior). Thankfully Mommy L. was smart and bought some rubber boots (my first pair of rubber boots since elementary school). Unfortunately for Uncle Ben, he didn't have any rubber boots.

This place had everything! We rode on a wagon full of hay bales pulled by a tractor with musicians playing banjos and guitars. There was a corn maze, pigs, horses, ducks and goats! And of course, lots of pumpkins! And lots of mucky mud!!! What more could a kid ask for?!? I had forgotten how fun it was to walk in mud especially with big rubber boots! It really returned me back to my childhood (not that it was that long ago). ;)

I love this picture. Evann would stare down every tractor (and there were a lot of them). It was so cute. I think Evann either realized that these were real tractors or the BIGGEST toys he's ever seen.

Next year's going to be even more fun with Baby #2.

I wonder how much candy he'll get???

I can't wait to find out...

The NEW Adventures of Evann and Frazer

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.