Sunday, May 21, 2006

Baby's not here, but I still can't sleep

It's 3 am. I can't sleep. I'm SO thirsty, yet too lazy to get up and get a glass of water. Ohmygosh, soon I'll HAVE to get up if the baby is crying. This will be good practice plus I won't be thirsty. I get up and almost make it directly to the kitchen, I stop for rest on the couch on the way (our house isn't that big).

It's now 6 am. I wake up the worse "pre-baby" way possible; to the sound of a murder of crows. Once again, I make my way to the kitchen, go outside and pretend to throw things at them. A few scatter, but some can't see me, thus my antics are ineffective. The mind-numbing cawing continues for another hour.

9 am. I stir from my restless night's sleep thinking, "I should put together the crib." But before I take on such lofty projects, I have to move all my internet connections and rewire everything. Good thing the baby has a bassinet in our room for the first few months. "I should really put together the crib though." Maybe tomorrow. It's a long weekend after all. This baby is going to come out soon, my days of procrastination are coming to an end.

Possibly against my better judgment, we're having a BBQ today for my hockey team. In every book we've read and during the prenatal classes, it has been mentioned time and time again to do as much as possible prior to the baby's birth. We have taken this quite literally. We went out less before L was pregnant (which probably led to her getting pregnant).

This week, we've attended a baby shower (for a friend), a BBQ, a movie, a family dinner (for my mom's birthday) plus I was sick for a few days. Wow, what a week.

Today, as mentioned will be my hockey team's BBQ. We've prepared all the food and my dear wife L has been so supportive. Despite not being fully behind this endeavor, she has smiled and helped throughout. From all the shopping, to food preparation to cleaning. What a woman. Having said that, to help L, I put certain parameters around the BBQ such as prompt start at 4 pm and prompt end at 8 pm (which should minimize the drunken baffoonery).

We have lots of great food and no real theme. It's a very ecclectic menu from Korean short ribs (kalbi) to Jamacian jerk chicken wings to Thai noodle salad to scalloped potatoes. Should be good. Except for the rain. But when you have lemons, you make a soy-lemon dressing with a hint of cilantro...or lemonade. We moved the party into the garage. Now for those of you who haven't seen our garage, it's not a "party" garage with sofas, pool table and's a "where do I put this crap" garage. We managed to cram 15 people into the single car garage and had a great time.

My time constraints went out the door when I made the first martini at 8:30. Things got really out of hand when I opened the second bottle of vodka and we started playing poker. L, as usual, was a gracious host throughout, lovingly realizing that her first baby (me) needed some last playtime (thanks my love). The evening finally wound up at around 1:30 am (but don't worry, I knocked L out of the poker tourney at around midnight - see, I'm a good husband too!).

Wow. I'm going to have a kid.

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.