Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Sleep has evaded me like the Canucks evade the playoffs. Ouch. I'm just sore because the Oilers (the team whom the Canucks so graciously invited into the playoffs) are up 3-0 in their series. But I digress.

The advice I always hear is "get as much sleep as you can get" and "go out as much as possible". Both these advice are sound since sleep and freedom are the first things to go when having a baby, but don't they seem a little conflicting? It's like giving my friends free reins to a bar, but telling them to stay sober (this was proven difficult - as per the last post).

I think the pending arrival of Evann is finally sinking in. Oh yeah, I can hear the collective thought of "FINALLY", but it's not that I've not accepted the role of being a father (note the double negative). It's just that I'm realizing that the boy is really coming and soon. TWO DAYS!?! Now, of course, I realize that most babies do not arrive on their due dates, but still the fact that the due date is a mere two days is...EXCITING!

By the way, I did put together the crib and the baby room is finally finished (okay, if L is reading she'll say that I still have to put away the cable modem and wireless router which is currently on the floor).

I think what's really keeping me from sleeping is the realization that I'm not going to be a Funcle (that is Fun Uncle) this time. You know the Uncle that can play well with your kid, rile them up, buy them treats and then leaves you to deal with impending meltdown due to fatigue and sugar crash. I'm now entering the world of parenthood where I'm going to be responsible for this little being for the rest of my life.

Though a daunting task, I'm sure that there've been those before me who have taken this task (around 20 billion). But even so, I plan on being the best father possible to my son. I will say now that sometimes I will make mistakes, sometimes I will be over protective and I may even be wrong (though this is unlikely since I still have yet to be wrong in my marriage). :p One thing is for sure, I will always love young Evann with all my heart and soul. Even when he pees on me.


Anonymous said...

oh good luck daddy v and L! best wishes for a delivery that is... well... as good as a delivery can be. i'm confident that it'll blow your mind.

it's interesting that you mention Funcle. i was thinking about that, and about how the birth of your son (thanks for finally telling me the sex, dude :| ) may change your relationship to your nieces and nephews. hopefully it will only grow richer.

all the best,

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, my grand daughter was born a week and a half ago, on her due date. There is still hope it won't go too far past the due date.

Daddy V. said...

Kate, you're not a Faunt to Evann, you're his Funousin - or Funoona. I know isn't it shocking that I'm of your dad's generation? That's what made me such a good Funcle all these years! :)

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.