Thursday, July 20, 2006

Changing Every Day!

I swear I heard Evann speaking his first words today and not just words, but full sentences. I know it sounds impossible for a baby less than 8 weeks be speaking in full sentences, but it's absolutely amazing! I could swear that I heard Evann reciting the "To be or not to be" soliloquy though Mommy L says it's sounds more like a G.W. Bush speech...she may have a point. Regardless, his endless chattering and gooing is so wonderful to hear. The boy is really starting to develop and grow.

Which comes to my next point. When does it happen? When do we first have realization? I am always wondering what babies dream about or have nightmares about? Are they real thoughts or just concepts? I often find little Evann laying on my chest sleeping and then he chuckles "Heh, heh, heh" in his cute little voice...which makes me chuckle...and to which he in turn chuckles some more. It's so cute, but I wonder "what do you find so darn funny?"

Speaking of realization, I had one of my own. I realized that I am now a parent. This may be more of an Asian parent realization, but it dawned on me when I found myself washing the salad container. Okay, maybe I have to be more specific. I found myself dishwashing, in fact, putting into the dishwasher, the Wendy's takeout salad container. I don't know when it happened, but it's happened; I have truly become an Asian parent.

It's been almost two months since dear Evann was born and so much has happened during his short life. He's been to a couple of movies, a few of my baseball games, a couple of baseball tournaments, attended two weddings, introduced at church, a few birthday parties and more than his share of family dinners/BBQ's. He's met countless number of friends and relatives (though admittingly, he has trouble sorting out who's do his parents sometimes).

He's sleeping fairly well at night for 3-5 hour stints. Poor Mommy L has been taking the vast majority of the night feedings now that I've returned to work. I feel badly, but sometimes I'm so tired, I don't even realize what's going on. Mommy L has been fantastic and is really a wonderful mother. She's been working out and has been trying "hot yoga" (basically yoga in a sauna which sounds like hell to me). She looks great and always has a smile on her face.

I've had to be away a few times since returning to work. It's always hard to leave Evann, but it really gives me something to look forward to when I return home. While away from him, I just notice babies all around and try to get a glimpse to quench my baby fix. When I return home, I can't wait to see, kiss and hold Evann. My heart melts when he greets me with a shriek of joy or smiles. Sure, it may be gas or simply surprise, but like I said's all a matter of interpretation.


annabanana said...

it's so wonderful to hear how much you love your son and being a parent -- i love it!!

as for realisation, i wonder about that, too. for instance, i have a 12 year old stepson, and there are All Sorts of things i'm waiting for him to realise, let me tell you.

in all honesty, though, i remember being pre-verbal and having very formed thoughts. i remember understanding other people around me, and just not wanting to say anything to them. i suspect that the desire and the physical ability to speak chase each other around in a chicken-and-egg fashion in small children.

i even remember praying before i could speak in sentences, if you can believe it.

Rose said...

He's just too cute for words!!! =D Can't wait to see him at the 100 day celebration!

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.