Friday, August 04, 2006

Two Month Shots?!? OUCH!

Last week Evann turned two months old which is a nice accomplishment (okay, surviving another day after day isn't much of an accomplishment for us now, but it's big for babies). More importantly, two months is the start of many shots to come. This is a "tip of the hat" to those of you who don't have kids or are expecting kids. Prior to having Evann, I never knew how difficult it is to watch your kids in pain. For that reason, I tried to avoid being at this appointment, but Mommy L didn't want to go alone either so I sucked it up. Even seeing these pictures makes me a little misty (it must be the onions I'm cutting). Sniff.

It started off as another normal visit to the Dr.'s for poor, unexpecting Evann. He was happy as can be. Laughing and playing...for now.

But he knew something was up. He sensed a disturbance in the force.

Mommy L comforted him while the Dr. administered the first of four shots (I still don't really understand why there must be four shots instead of one BIG shot - I'm hoping it's for medical/scientific reasons and not for billing purposes). After the first shot, there was a look of confusion on little Evann's face. It was the look of "Hey. Wait a minute, something kind of pinched me. What was that?!?" He didn't cry...yet.

By the second shot, the waterworks were on. In fact the whole system was on. He may be little, but he was strong as Mommy L had to restrain him (I was cowering in the corner, rocking myself in fetal position). He cried so hard and with so much passion, it broke my heart not to be able to comfort him. But as quickly as it started it was over, the shots were expertly and promptly administered. Evann had little streaks of blood running down his legs as he was cleaned up and bandaged.

I swooped him up and picked him up. I was prepared for hours of crying and comforting, but the little Evann surprised me once again. He stopped crying once he was picked up. He was fine. He wasn't "Hey, let's do that again" fine, but he was calm and content.

I realized Evann is going to hurt himself and will survive. I can't protect him from everything and he's going to protect himself too. But I'm still not looking forward to the next round of shots. I also realized that once again, anticipation is way worse than reality...maybe I should go clean up the garage now. Maybe not. ;)

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.