Wednesday, August 09, 2006

First Road Trip!

Today, we had our first road trip! We've had some short excursion and overnight trips, but this was Evann's first time on a plane! We flew down to LA to celebrate my friend's (and distant relative) son's first birthday. Once again we were taught another of life's lessons and harsh realities regarding babies...when you travel with one, they come with many "accessories". Holy crap. My personal luggage has went from one carry-on piece of luggage to slightly less than a half of a carry-on piece of luggage. I'm sharing with my son...half of my clothes lost to diapers.

Thankfully, our friends in LA have a son who's turning one. It's good because we didn't have to take as much down with us since they have most of the baby accessories needed. We also wanted to test Evann with flying and a short trip to LA sounded just perfect!

I was anxious prior to the trip, I just wasn't sure how little Evann was going to be. I've travelled a lot and used to cringe with horror when a little baby was seated near me. I would silently chant, "Please don't cry, please don't cry..." only to have the little tyke, wail like it was going out of style.

Of course, dear Evann proved Dada wrong again. He was an ideal passenger and wonderful flyer (yes, I'm touching wood right now). He slept during both takeoff and landing, and for most of the flight. When he was awake, he was carted off by the flight crew and pampered like the prince that he is.

The Air Canada crew was awesome! I'll only fly Air Canada!

While in LA, we also decided to do another first. Give baby Evann his first haircut! We were convinced by my friend who had recently shaved the head of his one-year old son. Evann was great again. I held him while my friend shaved and he didn't make a peep. The end result, a cute little baldish baby.

It was a wonderful trip to LA. All that we did was eat and sleep. Literally. Everytime we were planning to do an outing, we'd go and eat first...and then get tired...and then decide to go back and sleep. It was great! It wasn't our first trip to LA so don't think that we totally wasted our time (though I didn't get to have In 'N Out). Having said that, next trip down, we'll be more productive and do more "touristy" things.

One trip down...a lifetime left! I hope Evann is always a good flyer like he was this trip. Next trip, we're going to go a little further, I'm not sure where yet, but stay posted!

1 comment:

annabanana said...

ok, that shot of evann getting his hair cut is ridiculously cute.

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.