Sunday, December 31, 2006


Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Okay, it's not quite the New Year yet, but I thought I'd get a head start since I don't suspect many will check this prior to the New Year and this will be the last entry for 2006.
WOW...what a year 2006 was! I can't even begin to imagine what excitement 2007 will bring (though I have some idea) and it should be a really exciting year! As far as Evann's world's concerned, we should see his first steps, his first words, swimming and baby sign language.
This year will be one with friends and family at my sister's house, something which has become a tradition for me and my family. But it's a very special year because my very close friend (who's like a brother to me) is bringing his girlfriend up from California to meet us! I hope that his brother and I don't scare her too much. Of course, it's also special because Evann will be joining us this year too!
Thank you to everyone who's kept up with Evann's blog. It's been a labour of love and has allowed me to journal this amazing, yet tiring journey of fatherhood (as well as given me something to do on sleepless nights). My hope is for all of you to have a fantastic 2007 - full of love, happiness and growth (hopefully not too much growth in waistband like me). Peace, love and blessings!

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.