Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry (First) Christmas!

There...I said it and I'll say it again. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! It seems strange that a saying that I've known all my life and which truly symbolizes this particular holiday season is so rarely heard and has become a politically incorrect phrase. "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" has replaced "Merry Christmas" as the politically correct terms. It seems a bit silly. It doesn't really bother me, but something that's been on my mind especially when I'm writing an email and have to put the polically correct phrase instead of "Have a Merry Christmas". Next thing will be "have a pleasant evening spending the start of another roman calendar year" so we don't offend those who celebrate the lunar new year. Jeesh.

As you can see. We've dressed up dear Evann in the Santa parapanalia and are happy to do it! He truly is a Santa Baby! It goes without saying that this Christmas has been all about Evann. We've always been a family who embraces the Christmas spirit, but this year he's really shown me the happiness Christmas brings to all. Sure that seems a little syrupy and simplified, but I'm telling you, he really spreads Christmas joy! I can't tell you how many people would smile or even stop and talk to us while at the mall with Evann dressed up in his Santa outfit. People were constantly saying things like, "Hi Baby Santa!" or "Can I sit on Santa's lap?" followed by laughter. Despite its repetativeness, I was happy to see a smile on even the grumpiest Grinch.
Although he can't quite walk (or even crawl), you'll be amazed to see Evann do his Christmas dance (almost guaranteed to bring a smile).

To further my point that Christmas is about kids, you only have to look at our Christmas tree to see what/who Christmas is all about. Present upon present are stacked under the tree this year. You'd be surprised how many people have come by with present in hand with the same phrase, "Sorry...only presents for Evann this year." Now, I lost the concept of Christmas being about me over 12 years ago when my first nephew and 2 nieces were born, but I feel for my dear wife who's going through it for the first time (having said that, she's handling it way better than I did). ;)

Despite Evann not really knowing what was going on, he was so well behaved and really enjoyed playing with all the wrapping paper. As you can see, he was literally surrounded by gifts. He's such a lucky little guy to have such wonderful people supporting and loving him (though we don't need gifts to prove that).

I am touched and so grateful for the incredible generousity of my friends and family. I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season! I certainly know that Evann had a great first one and I had the most memorable one thus far. Peace and blessings!

Oh last thing (or first thing)...Evann has had his first tooth erupt! It's his 3-1 in dental lingo...bottom lower tooth. He's chewing/drooling like there's no tomorrow. We are just seeing it (and hearing it at night when it seems to really bother him). As usual, he's a real trooper and seems to be dealing with everything surprisingly well.

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.