Friday, December 28, 2007

2nd Christmas!


What a difference a year can make (especially when it doubles your life)! This year's Christmas has been so much fun with Evann, I can only imagine that Christmases will only get better and better. Christmas is truly a time for children (young like Evann and old like me)!

As usual, Evann was inundated with gifts from friends and family. This year was a little different because Evann was a much more willing and active participant. As you can see from his excellent arm action, he was a very good unwrapper (not much for saving the paper though).

As usual, thank you to all our friends and family for their incredible generousity. It was nice this year because instead of the obligatory crappy gift to one another, our family donated money to charity. At work, we had some great charity events as well donating to the Empty Stocking Fund and Canucks Place. The hard part is to think of the less fortunate only during Christmas time, I must try to be more diligent to be giving throughout the year.

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.