Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Newest Canucks fan at his first Canucks game!

Today was a special day, not only as a father, but also as a Canucks fan. Evann went to his first Canucks game (and his first trip on the Skytrain)!

Despite the disappointing result (4-2 loss to the lowly LA Kings), it was a really great time. I was surprised for a number of reasons:

1) I was first surprised by Evann's focus on the game. He didn't squiggle or complain while the game was on. He sat, ate popcorn and watched the game.

2) I was shocked that a toddler's (2T-4T) Canucks jersey was $50!!! I can only say that this jersey better still fit when Evann is 4T!

3) Even the burliest, toughest looking people turn into big teddy bears when they see a cute little kid.

When the Canucks scored, I was really worried that Evann would freak out because it gets pretty loud (he doesn't even like it when mom and I cheer when watching at home). But once again, I was suprised by his calmness. Of course, being a good Canucks fan, he was high-fiving everyone around.
I lifted him by his legs and everyone in a 5 person radius wanted to high-five him. It was pretty funny.
I'm looking forward to a life-long love of the Canucks with Evann. I can't wait.

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.