Sunday, September 30, 2007

Newest addition to the family!

We recently did the smartest thing in a long time. We hired a nanny and not just any nanny, but the best nanny in the world. She's everything that we could have hoped for and more. I think that Mommy L and I can both agree that she has already significantly changed our lives for the better.

As working parents, it's tough to find proper child care. Of course, not having a child before, it's impossible to forecast the significance of this. Okay, maybe not impossible, but impossible for my limited mental boundaries. ;)

The Foreign Domestic Workers Program is one of the great programs the Canadian government sponsors. Basically, it allows for foreign domestic workers to come to Canada to work and eventually obtain legal landed residency status (after 2 years of continual work).

Although it's a LOT of paperwork and waiting, it's well worth the work and wait. Many people have concerns about having someone who is not supervised watched their children, but I have none (thus far). Evann and the Nanny have hit it off right away and for me, children are a great gauge on character.

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.