Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day at the Waterpark

It was a beautiful BC Day long weekend so we (Mommy L and I) decided to take Evann down to the water park on Granville Island. There's something about kids and water. Evann absolutely loves it!

Evann absolutely loves the water. He had a lot of fun with a hose (no symbolism) connected fire hydrant. It would go on and off intermittently which Evann couldn't quite figure out which resulted in him being inadvertently soaked a couple of times. The funniest moment is when the hose came on when he didn't realized it and I took a collection of pictures with the stream of water proceeding to engulf him. The cutest shot was when he looked over while I was howling with laughter. He hardly looks impressed.

Since we were married just over 2 years ago on Granville Island, we decided to take Evann down to "the Island" for a trip down memory lane. After we changed him, we walked around the Island to all the spots we took pictures and reminisced. This time around, it was much better with Evann around.

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.