Tuesday, May 29, 2007

One Year Old!!!

Evann is one year old and had a big party to celebrate! In Korean culture, the first birthday("dol") is very important. In fact, the first birthday is probably the biggest celebration next to the 60th birthday ("haang-gap").
Historically, due to a lack of medical information, Korea's seasonal temperature differences, and many childhood related diseases, the death rate for children was extremely high. Many children died before their first birthday. After the age of one year, the survival rate steeply increased, making this milestone a very happy one for the child's parents. In modern times, due to the improvements in medicine, the influence of Western culture, and modern industrialization, the Shamanistic reasons for the Tol celebration have been reduced. However, the event is still celebrated as a time of congratulations for the parents and family.

Evann wore the traditional Korean outfit ("han-bok" - literal translation is "Korean dress") and was so great for the entire day. It was a LONG day since we started off at church then to his party. He fell asleep on the way to the party which probably helped his mood.
Evann was placed at a table to perform the "tol-ja-bee" event. In this event, Evann picks up items that attract him and his future is predicted according to the what he grabs. The first and second items the child grabs are considered the most important. Evann's future is predicted according to the items: bundle of thread (long life); book or pencil (successful scholar); $100 or money (rich); scissors (talented with his hands); and paint brush (artist). Evann chose the book followed by paint brush. There's also knife (good cook), but I didn't want to risk an accident. No matter how hard I tried, he wouldn't take the money. Looks like Freedom 55 is out for me.

Of course, we had lots of food and as usual, Evann was showered with wonderful gifts from our incredibly generous friends and family. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kindness. I feel that Evann (as well as Mommy L and I) are truly blessed to have such an incredible support network.

Peace and blessings to all of you!

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.