Saturday, May 17, 2008

Another Skywalker...

Well, no need in delaying the news. As the title alludes, my dear wife is pregnant again. Finally past the first (not so pleasant) trimester, we've moved onto the second. Although, it's been better than the first, it's been very difficult for Mommy L. I guess it just means I have to take good care of her, which may mean, Evann and Daddy have to give mommy more time to rest.

Having said that, it's probably because Mommy is such a trooper and works so hard to why she's so exhausted, i.e. it's not my fault. ;) Evann still hasn't really grasped the concept of mommy being pregnant, but once she starts showing, I'm sure it'll be more apparent to him. Or he'll just think that mommy ate one of his balls.

The timing couldn't have been any better as we recently purchased a slightly larger townhouse with more bedrooms in Burnaby. This is going to really put a challenge in my child's naming logic. Barnaby? Simon? Fraser? (it's near Simon Fraser University).

We haven't found out the gender, but will find out soon. Obviously, gender is not as important as health so whatever we have will be a blessing and joy...but...practically speaking...a girl would be great because I've always loved the concept of having a daddy's girl, but that would mean entirely different clothing, toys, paint, issues, etc. A boy would be "easier" in a practical sense, but then two boys! I'll have to get more house insurance.

The new baby is due for a November delivery. I can't wait. The anxiety/excitement has already started (thus the early morning blog entry). Does this mean I have to start a new blogsite? No more East Van Evann...Burnaby Barnaby? Oh boy.

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.