Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Party

The thought of having another large birthday party with friends and family was daunting to say the least. We have a number of friends with children around/near Evann's age, but what is the point of having a big event which Evann won't remember. Then it dawned on celebrate Evann's birth and have a good time. Once realizing that, it was easy to relax and have fun.

We decided to have a joint birthday party with Kaizen (who's often seen in this blog and was born 2 days before Evann). And since we were in the midst of trying to sell our house and Kaizen's parents with another, but newer baby boy; we decided on having the birthday party at a local community center. It was a great decision.

The community center provided us with a large kitchen, a play/eating area and a leader to organize and entertain the kids. They had a number to riding toys as well as an activity center and arts & crafts and a parachute. The organizer had two volunteers who helped decorate and set-up the tables and chairs for us.

It was a two hour party (with entry into the room for set-up an hour ahead). We went the "Costco" route and picked up pizzas, hot dogs, fruit plates, cookies, chips, juice boxes, cheese & crackers. Our Chinese fruit cake was from Yan's Bakery and was almost as big as our wedding cake! I could complain, but I think since Mommy L. and Mommy V. (Kaizen's mom) did all of the shopping and organizing, it wouldn't be fair. They did a great job though and I really can't complain. One of the funniest moments is at the birthday cake time and Kaizen crossed his arms the whole time in defiance of Stephen's directions. Hilarious! The cake was enjoyed by all especially the two birthday boys! Evann has picked up the wonderful (sarcastic) habit of licking the candles (at least he doesn't eat them). I can only thank his cousin Hanum for this.

The weather was beautiful! Evann had a great time. He was rosy cheeked and sweating even BEFORE the party had started as he was playing in the playground while we were setting up. He fully enjoyed playing in the toy cars. He spent the majority of the time in the cars; otherwise, he was trying to get kids out of cars so he could get in. He doesn't quite have the art of sharing, but he's coming along. Thankfully, there were more than a half dozen vehicles to choose from!

For his birthday, we bought him a Thomas the Train DVD (his 4th or 5th), a Thomas the Train train and a bouncy castle. Okay, it's a Little Tykes Jump and Slide. Mommy L. is pretty sure that I'm WAY more excited about this purchase than Evann is, but my excitement only comes from the sheer joy Evann will have with this. I'm going to set it up in the basement so Evann will basically have a bouncy room. HOW COOL IS THAT?!? Apparently, it's a refined taste.

The party though only 2 hours felt like an all day affair. Evann was pretty tuckered out by party's end and crashed for his nap almost immediately upon returning home....well, after opening all his gifts. Thanks to everyone for their wonderful gifts, Evann (and all of us) are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family.

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.