Thursday, June 05, 2008

No More East Van...Now East Burnaby

If things weren't busy enough with a new baby coming along, we decided to further complicate our lives by moving! We're moving from our house in East Van to a townhouse in Burnaby! I'm not sure if we're going the right direction, but it sure feels right. We'll only be a few houses away from Kaizen (Evann's birthing buddy) so that will be a great bonus. Plus it's more room (almost 2500 sq. ft) so good for a growing family. There's some work that needs to be done, but nothing that I can't handle (as far as hiring someone to do the work). ;)

As you can see, I have continued to spoil Evann. I purchased his very own bouncy castle. I want to make a bouncy castle room in our new home, but Mommy L. doesn't agree with my (brilliant) idea. I don't really remember WHEN it happened, but it's happened...I'm a doting and spoiling father. I always thought that I wouldn't spoil and overindulge Evann, but I can't help it. Oh well, I probably won't spoil the next baby... ;)

I saw an interesting sight the other day when I woke up early, just before sunrise. The new neighbour's newly built house had a nightly visitor. It's interesting because our old neighbour (Eric) had a very "free" growing garden, I loved it. It was like a secret garden with mature trees and a fully grown laurel tree/bush. Eric passed away last year and a developer purchased and sold the land. It was quickly two and garden...which was a little sad to see a lifetime of gardening and life gone in less than 48 hours. There was a family of racoons living in one of the trees and I'm pretty sure that this rooftop fellow was part of that family.
Evann continues to grow and develop, I'm curious how he'll be as a big brother. I don't know what we're going to do when we have two kids in the bed with us! We'll have to get a bigger bed!!!

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.