Sunday, July 20, 2008

Potty Training and Goodbye Soo Soo

Talk about a double whammy. Mommy L. is definitely the ambitious and brave one in wanting to try to accomplish these two significant tasks. I think this will be a good picture to share with Evann's future girlfriends, n'est pas?

We're trying to have one of these completed by the time the new baby arrives. We've read, listened, and been given unsolicited advice on potty training. We've had limited success. We've been trying to give him a treat when he sits on the potty, but it seems like he gets on the potty whenever he wants a treat!

After a recent visit to the dentist, she made an observation on Evann's teeth/bite and suggested that we stop giving him a soother/pacifier. Of course, we didn't waste any time and implimented the "no soo soo" parental action. It made for a tough week of crying and Evann has definitely not been sleeping as well.

Having said that...he is officially OFF...cold turkey! Now if we could only stop him drinking his milk from a bottle!

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.