Monday, October 20, 2008

Evann's Favorites

Evann has a few favorite things...and some of them are inseperable toys. One of them is his Thomas the Train and Annie (the train).

He always has these two toys with him...or else. His other favorites is the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS...yes, my son is already a vidiot (like his father). He doesn't really play the Wii, but loves to watch me play (and MAKES me play), he's really starting to get proficient at the DS. It's a little scary.

Evann loves ice cream and fruit...almost any fruit, but melons, cherries, grapes and blueberries...and can eat them in ridiculous amounts. It shocks me how much fruit he can actually eat.

Evann also loves to have baths. his favorite bath toys are called "Dirty Dogs" which have temperature controlled "stains" which disappear in the bath.

Evann loves his friends...his "best friends" are Kaizen and Diego. They don't really "play" together as much as they play near each other, but they enjoy running around and yelling (as boys do apparently).

Evann loves his extended family too. Often he says goodnight to them even though he's in bed with no one around. In fact, Kaymi (his cousin in Victoria) was my inspiration to put these latest entries. She sent me a scathing email to motivate me. ;) Thank you Kaymi for reminding me.

Most of all, Evann loves his mommy. And his daddy, but I think mommy is his favorite these days. With baby two just weeks away from joining us, Mommy L is still looking beautiful. I sometimes forget that she's pregnant because she's still so active. She is a great mother always playing with Evann.

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.