Friday, May 26, 2006

The Big Day of Waiting...

Well today is the day! Little baby Evann and Mommy L has made their respective journeys this far. Our Dr. has called this the "perfect pregnancy" with everything going according to plan. Now we wait.

We were about to watch a movie last night "The DaVinci Code" with another pregnant couple - isn't it interesting that men always refer to themselves as being pregnant too - I alway try to refrain from doing that. Anyhow, while trying to locate them via cell phone, we were shocked to find out that V's water had broken (she's a V too). This was a shock to all since the their baby's due date wasn't until 666 (June 6) and this drastically changed their birthing plan (yes, they still believed that they could actually plan a schedule around the birth). Needless-to-say, the movie was cancelled and our friends went off to have a baby. I just spoke with Papa S and it looks like their baby still hasn't arrived...we're still waiting to hear about Evann's future playmate.

Waking up this morning, the world changed again. Mommy L is having her first pangs of early labour. Some light contractions around 30 minutes apart.

Here we go...let the wild ride start!

I've been working from home for the morning and we spend the rest of the day out and about. Not doing anything too strenuous, but mainly just trying to keep Mommy L's mind off the contractions. She finds that as the day progresses things are starting to calm down and she's not noticing the contractions as much. I relax thinking that it was just a false alarm...maybe some sympathy contractions/labour arising due to last night's excitement.

We have some friends drop by for a visit and even bring us some dinner (thanks MJ). We also go out to meet my family for a spicy meal at the Chili Pepper House restaurant nearby. This is a great place serving mixed Chinese and Indian cuisine. It's very spicy and I figure a good way to get this baby back on track. Here are some other Non-medical ways to speed up labour:
• nipple stimulation (you can do this yourself, involve your partner or use an electric breast pump)
• sex (if your membranes haven’t ruptured)
• herbal teas such as "nine month tea" or "raspberry leave"

We've tried it all...and we wait.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I don't know if baby Evann has arrived yet, but I have an unorthodox request...
I am a reporter at the National Post and I have been searching the blogosphere for couples scheduled to deliver around 06/06/06 for a fun story I'm writing about 666.
If you would be interested in commenting on whether you see this date as significant or not, feel free to contact me. (ASAP ie: today if possible)
If not... all the best and good luck with parenthood.

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.