Friday, May 19, 2006

T-Minus ONE week.

One week and counting...

One week to enjoy life as I know it.

One week of restful, uninterrupted sleep (other than my wife's snoring).

One week of me.

I'd never thought this day would come. The proceedings of the last few months not to mention the last few years for that matter, seem to have blown by. Having been only married last July (yes, do the math, it's well over 9 months ago), our "bundle of joy" was an unexpected, but welcome surprise.

Here's how the story goes...two weeks after being married, my wife came back from a day out with her friends only to say that she'd visited a Tarot card reader. The Tarot card reader had claimed that we would not be having a child for many years and that our child would be a girl. So I asked my wife if I could allow my swimmers to "go for it" which she confidently agreed. As you can see from where I am now, I want my $10 back from the Tarot card reader.

Since then, life has been interesting to say the least. We packed up our little condo in the more affluent Westside of Vancouver for a small house in the family oriented East Van (thus the name Evann - East Van). We traded in the Acura RSX for a Honda CRV. My den, once the site of business is now future room for transferring poop (okay, not so different from business). Needless-to-say, we're ecstatic.

Having read every book which tells us what to expect, the only part left is having the baby (which according to our prenatal class, should be quite a breeze). I've also gone over several web-based "baby checklists" and "to do lists". I'm ready. Having said that, is child birth really THAT difficult for any man? Not a day passes in which I don't love my wife more and praise her for her courage and strength...not a day passes in which I would not switch places with her (though I have added my share of sympathy weight).

As the happy day draws nearer, I can only ask myself the questions typical of any expecting father: Will I be a good father? Will I be able to support my family? Will my child be smart? Will my child be a good athlete (mutually exclusive to the previous question)? Will my child be cool (also mutually exclusive)?

At this point, only one thing is important; that my wife and child are both healthy and happy and have the least traumatic delivery possible. I can't wait to watch my boy enter into this world. It will be one of the most incredibly magical moments in my life for sure.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for further updates...same bat time...same bat channel. Peace and blessings!


Anonymous said...

dear daddy v.,
you're in for one heck of a ride especially if he has the small notch to match yours and hurricane hank's.
however, most confident you will be an amazing daddy-o. who else could have one baby strapped the the chest and two in the stroller and be whistling while shopping for veggies at Granville Island...i know the babies were your "chick magnet" but still not all men could manage this.
waiting to meet our darling little one - and hoping for smooth labour for l.
big j.

Rose said...

Congratulations!!! I've been thinking about the 2 of you the last few days, wondering when Evan will finally come into this world. Can't wait to see him!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Daddy 2 B (V),

Across the pond, we wait anxiously to meet the next boy child. Will he be a downgraded hurricane or an upgraded tropical storm? In any case, it's all good loving coming to all of you. It was nice to palpate your beautiful wife on the weekend and feel Evann. I can see Piderman already invading your household, unless little dude convinces all that Batman is way cooler...

Loving you mightily,
Sister 2

Anonymous said...

This little boy has half your DNA so I expect him to be brilliant, witty, ,athletic and generous. Keep us posted we are all waiting for Evann's arrival.

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.