Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy (1st) Father's Day!

How exciting! My first father's day!

I've never really appreciated Father's Day before as I have today. It's not too bad; I could live with this "Father's Day" stuff. My day started with a card from the boy (interpreted and channelled through Mommy L) and some yummy cupcakes bedside. My father's day present is NO DIAPER CHANGES and I get to play hockey and watch World Cup Soccer tonight (Korea vs. France)...GO KOREA! It's really MY day! Yippee!!!

The concept of fatherhood is really starting to sink in and you know what? It feels good. We ventured out last night for our first baby-free outing, Mommy L's cousin's wedding reception. We left Evann with my parents and surprisingly, not only did I miss him, but also we left before the dinner was done. Mind you, it was a 10 course Chinese meal. I couldn't believe that after only a few hours how much I missed the little bugger.

I wrote little Evann a little letter.

My dear son Evann,

I'm sitting with you in my arms and I'm looking lovingly at your beautiful face. I hold you close and I kiss you gently upon your sleeping face as I look upon you with endless love.

I'm thinking about how you're going to turn out. I promise to be there cheering you on when you score your first goal in hockey, hit your first home run in baseball, make your first save in soccer (football) and sink your first basket in basketball. I will also be there cheering you on during your first penalty in hockey, your first strike out in baseball, the first goal you let in in soccer (football), and miss the winning shot in basketball. I will always love you in whatever you do.

In the next few years, you're going to be watching me play sports and you'll be cheering me on. I'll play my heart out for your cheers and to make you proud. And as I hold you in my arm, I feel tears as I think that one day, you will be holding me and kissing me gently on my face.

We'll be a great team son. I can't wait to watch you grow up. As my grandfather said to me, "You must be better than your father who was better than me." In my eyes, you are already better than me because you already make me feel so proud.


Okay, I know that the sappy factor is high, but that's really what I think and feel when I see this kid. I don't know how it's happened (again, I go back to the cuteness power or Jedi Cuteness Power which I referred to a few entries back).

Evann has been great lately. Pretty much on a schedule (I'm starting to realize that an hour or two variance is acceptable). Sleeps well through the night and not too much crying in general.

As you can see from the picture, against most books and advice, we have resorted to using the "dark one" aka "soo-soo" aka the pacifier or soother. It works like a charm especially when I'm waiting for a bottle of expressed milk to warm up (yes, we're bottle feeding him breast milk too). I'm not ashamed.

The kid is really growing up. He eats like a horse (my genes I'm sure). I can't believe it's only been 3 weeks since he's been born. I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since I've become a father. I'm loving every minute of it.

By the by, we won our first game of the playoffs today (1 goal and 2 assists for me), Korea tied France 1-1 putting them 1st in their division and my sister made the family a wonderful Father's Day BBQ dinner! Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there! Like I said, I could get used to this Father's Day stuff!

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.