Saturday, June 03, 2006

A New Hope

There is a glimmer of hope, I feel like I just found out there was another Skywalker.

Amongst the plethora of advice (verbal and written) and online searching, we're starting to get it. Things that I now understand and things I'd like to pass along:
1. Get your sleep while you can.
2. Sleep when the baby sleep.
3. Establish routine.
4. Babies Cry...Eat...Sleep...And make poo/pee. That's it.
5. Respect your baby.
6. Don't just listen to one baby CD - get more than one (I'm still listening to the same Raffi CD).

Okay, I didn't promise any earth shattering advice. I'll add to the list as I learn more, after all, it's been less than a week. Feel free to let me know any pieces of advice you may have and I'll add them on too (pending review of course).

Last night, Mommy and I managed to sleep...together. Mommy painstakingly manually expressed some milk earlier in the day which I fed to the baby during the night. I also used "Ovol" drops (which are anti-gas drops) to help dear Evann with his gas problem. I don't believe he's "colicky", but I really dislike the way our society finds blanket terms for any problem; baby cries - "he/she's colicky", kid is active - "he/she has ADHD", daddy has a bottle of wine, case of beer and a mickey of scotch every night - "he's an alcoholic". Babies cry, that's the simple truth of the matter (refer to #4 on the list).

Anywho, Evann woke up only once last night before 7 am. It allowed us to finally get some much needed sleep. Today, I feel human again, not just some drone zombie under the mind control of some omniscient evil baby. I know it's only the first day of success, but every streak starts at one. This overly optimistic mentality could be the results of the non-stop Raffi-athon that goes on here. Visitors beware.

So onto week #2. I am feeling confident and happy. It's amazing what a little sleep can do for you. I no longer fear the night! Bring it on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.