Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Happy Month-day!

Okay, I know that celebrating the first month may seem like another overzealous first-time parent and admittingly, it is, but there is also some validity in celebrating all the numerous first-times. Also, when is the next time I can really summarize ALL the events of one person's life.

It's been a month already. And quite a month it's been. Little Evann is getting bigger with each week (the paranoia of first time parents worrying if their baby is eating enough, etc, is over). Our family has seen not one, but two additions to the family (more on that later). He's had so many firsts and enjoyed some great sporting events, such as an improbable run by the Oilers to the Stanley Cup finals only to lose the final game (Evann actually cried when Carolina scored their empty net, one may believe it was coincidence, but I think he saw the high-stick in the Carolina zone), he's enjoyed almost every match of this year's World Cup (and was so strong when Korea was knocked out), he's watched the Blue Jays have a pretty good month of ball and he's even come watch me play in a few baseball games without complaint.

One non-sports related events, he's saved his best for his 30-day. He slept all night in his cradle (okay for 4.5 hours) only waking when I woke him up to feed him (just moments ago). This has been a big accomplishment because he's been sleeping with us in bed as of late. Like his father, he is a hard sucker and has moved to bottle feeding breast milk (I on the other hand, enjoy a nice cold bottle of beer occasionally). I watched in amazement as he (again like his father) polished off his meal faster than it took to heat it. Let's just hope that he doesn't have a soft spot for pizza and KFC like his dada.

His first hair style. The baby faux-hawk.

Yesterday, Evann saw his first theatre movie..."The Lake House." We enjoyed one of the "Stars and Strollers" movies. I think this is formerly known as "Movies for Mommies", but was changed to the less glamorous name due to the age of political correctness. For those of you who have young children, this is a great event held every two weeks (at selected movie theatres for only selected movies) in which there is a change table along with diapers provided by the theatre. The movies are said to be quieter and the theatre more lit though I didn't really notice a huge difference yesterday. For those of you who don't have kids, if you ever happen to accidentally go into one of these screenings, leave immediately unless you don't mind your movie being interrupted by crying, cooing and people swaying their babies. Evann did not cry during the entire movie, though Mommy L did. ;)

As for the other addition to our clan, my sister or rather my 8-year old niece decided that there was no better time for a puppy than now. We were happy to announce the addition of Kaya, a beautiful Chocolate Labrador. She is the split image of Evann (in puppy form) having big paws, a big head and just finding her way in this world. Kaya is a little more toilet trained though Evann has yet to pee on our kitchen floor. I'm sure that Kaya and Evann will be great friends throughout the years.

As from my stance, it's been a great month. I've enjoyed this time off from work (I return too soon) and have greatly appreciated the wealth of support from my family, friends and co-workers. Not a day has gone by without a visitor so it's been busy, but both Mommy L and I love to entertain guests. Having said that Mommy L has been incredible throughout this entire process. We've had our quarrels and spats, but nothing that isn't outshone by our love for one another and this incredible new love for little Evann. I've learned to not wash disposable diapers (see past posts), point "the pepper" down, don't be too vigilant & wait for the second poop before changing the diaper, and don't listen to too much Raffi.

I can't wait for the next stage of Evann's life. I'm sure it'll be as exciting as the first month, but hopefully with more rest. I'm not holding my breath though. I've got so much to learn and I'm sure that Evann will be a great tutor. Peace!

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Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.