Sunday, July 09, 2006

6 weeks old - His First World Cup Final

Our little Evann is already 6 weeks old and enjoying his first World Cup Final with his dad...ok, kind of enjoying it until "the incident" with Zidane. Evann could not understand why key man Zinedine Zidane's loss of control which led to his dramatic sending-off 10 minutes left in extra time. Evann lost it and was subsequently booked by the referee as well.
Although, we were cheering for France, it was a great final - excellent pace and chances by both teams. Still waiting to hear what made Zidane head butt Materazzi in the chest. I hope that Evann will show more discipline than Zidane in the future.

Evann has been a great little baby. He's growing and growing every day. This week he's up to 6 ounces of milk per feeding! This is up substantially from the 4 ounces last week (much to the chagrin of his dear mom). He's actually starting to fit into his 3 month clothes and getting the foundation of his future "Michelin" legs.

There are a few things in parenthood which I've come to realize. The first is how people cannot help and give their unsolicited advice and how that advice conflicts with other people's advice and comparison with their children. "Don't do that." "Don't do this." "With X, it always worked." "Oh Y, never did that." Parenthood is a constant challenge in diplomacy, editing and censorship. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that WE are much more prone to giving unsolicited advice now too; of course, as new members it is our perogative. ;)

Another interesting realization is that the grandparents can NEVER over-spoil their grandchildren. I guess with the strict routines and regulations of new parents such as ourselves, it's good that little Evann gets that once in a while. Having said that, his grandparents come and visit him once, twice, sometimes three times a day! It's nice to be loved, eh?

I've started work again. It's been a real challenge to help Mommy L with the night feedings and try to get up for work. To her absolute credit, she's stepped it up a notch and has taken the additional baby work load in stride. I've tried to help by taking on more during the weekend and taking care of Evann during the week so she can go out on her own. Life is starting to resemble some sense of normalcy again...for now.

Well, it's time for a nap for me and the boy! Thanks for reading, we'll virtually see you soon!


Anonymous said...

He looks just like you Daddy V especially when yawning! Love the pictures of him being booked!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog. I've been reliving early baby days through your posts. I particularly enjoyed the in depth tutorial on washing a disposable diaper. Also Thea and I are enjoying the photos of his majesty.
H and T

Anonymous said...

You can sure tell you are a proud Daddy! Is this kid gonna be spoiled or what?

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.