Monday, June 05, 2006

One Week Down - A Lifetime Left

As I sit here with little one week old Evann in my arms, I wonder. I wonder how I could have been so blessed with such a beautiful baby boy. I wonder how I can love this little guy so much and love him more every time I look into his eyes. I wonder how I can type this blog with the boy on my arm (I'm hoping my wife wakes up so she can take a picture). Finally, I wonder when I'm going to have a full night's sleep again.

The first week of parenthood has been a wonderful experience; full of excitement, elation and pure joy as well as full of challenges, frustration, and loss (of sleep). The boy is now the only world that I understand and remember. I can't remember what life was like prior to the baby despite it only being one week since his birth.

My own life and passions have taken a back seat to the boy. Of course, Mommy L is a primary concern and focus of mine as well. She is so strong and such a great mother already, I'm so impressed with her. Yesterday she had her first solo "adventure" of going out into the world baby-free. Admittingly, it wasn't a grand adventure - she went to London Drugs for 10 minutes to pick up a breast pump - but a solo adventure none-the-less.

Today, we had another "big" outing, we went to Superstore. Now this may seem mundane and uninteresting, but I had another realization while there which ties into this thought of loss of self. I used to love food shopping and, I couldn't think of anything to cook...and nor did I want to. I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Of course, I know this will not last forever; yet I wonder if things will ever be the same (pre-baby) again. I know that the answer is inevitably "no". I also know that once a parent - always a parent. I will always worry and protect my son as long as I live. I can't say that I mind either way. My life has definitely been blessed with the arrival of my dear boy.


Anonymous said...

Hey Daddy, Mommy and Baby Evann

I've been reading your blogs every now and then! I am so happy for you guys! Baby Evann is so cute!!! Even Steven thinks he's the cutest baby in the world and he's not just saying that because he's your little brother! And he sends his love to all of you!!! He can't wait to see you guys when he gets back to Vancouver!

Elaine and Steven

Daddy V. said...

I think Steven is the cutest baby in the world...and I AM just saying that because he's my little brother. ;)

Seriously thanks to both of you. We love baby Evann dearly.

annabanana said...

victor, he is beeeeeutiful! congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for both of you!
I always knew you would make a great dad and Lisa even commented earlier this evening that she knew you would be a great dad becuase you were an awesome uncle. Evann is so blessed to have you as a father and it is obvious how much love you have for your son from reading the blog.

Jimmy, Lisa, Christopher and Brandon

Anonymous said...

V--he has your eyes...which is to say, he must see what you see (God help us all.)

He is gorgeous; absolutely gorgeous.

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.