Sunday, June 11, 2006

Week 2 - The battle rages on...

I've been a father for two weeks now and I've learned a lot. I know there is still much to learn and time/experience is the only way to learn. I'm not on the honour roll yet, but I'm passing. Every sleepless night is like a night of cramming before the big exam the next day...unfortunately, the big exam always seems to be postponed to the following night so there's another night of cramming. An endless cycle.

Karma is a funny thing. I think that's why I enjoy watching "My Name is Earl" (which is all about rectifying or balancing Karma). Karma got me good a couple of mornings ago as I was teasing Mommy L about not being able to properly put on a diaper. It was early (6 am) and the boy woke up on cue. As I went to pick him up, I realized that his onesy was wet. I shook my head lovingly at my sleeping bride and thought, "Oh honey" with mock disapproval. Being Super Dad, I quickly changed the diaper and outfit and went to the rocking chair to put him back to sleep (as is our routine). I held the boy close to my chest and hugged him lovingly. I could feel the warmth of his body..."wow, he's really warm" I thought. That warmth spread down my chest and then not only did I feel warmth, but also wetness. It turns out that I, too, have some diaper changing lessons to learn. Is there fatherhood summer courses so I can upgrade my mark?

To make matters worse, in my haste, I didn't take the diaper out of his sleeper and it went into the wash. Now, I'm not sure if anyone has washed a disposable diaper before, but I recommend not doing it. Have you ever wondered what makes a baby's diaper so "absorbant"? Well, let me tell you, it's not just material in those diapers, but apparently there is an absorbant gel - some sort of absorbant material that just sucks up the moisture. And I'm not talking about a couple of gel beads - but a WHOLE LOT of them. Well, if you do ever wash a disposable diaper, here's what to do (apprently not many people do this because I couldn't even find help in the almighty Internet). First of all, shake all the clothes out and put them into the dryer and air only dry (oh yeah, remove the diaper and throw away). Run your washer(empty) for a full cycle. Rewash the clothes sans diaper. Last lesson, don't blame your wife for doing it. SHE has a system. Is there a remedial fatherhood class?

Fatherhood has not only taught me these valuable lessons, but has also taught me that babies really do cost a lot of money. It seems that we're always picking up something "baby" related whenever we're out from diapers to creams to washcloths to breast pads. There's always something.

Of course, financial cost is not the only cost. The loss of sleep still plagues me. Instead of writing my blog right now, I should be trying to catch a few winks, but I haven't entered anything lately so I feel compelled. The parallels between parenthood and war continues to draw closer. I feel like I'm living my life in a foxhole (the couch) catching some zzz's before the next barrage of gunfire (crying or worse, diaper change). Never is the sleep solid and I'm always on my guard. You work with other memebers of your unit (spouse) and cover each other when you can. It never feels like it's going to end and you don't feel like you're gaining any ground. But I'm waiting for the day that they tell me the war is over. Many parents of kids much older have informed me that the war is never over. I remain optimistic for at least a truce.

I continue to look at my dear Evann's face with everlasting love. He remains my pride and joy and my heart jumps at every smile (despite me knowing it's probably just gas). I love telling friends how "advanced" he is with his ability to turn his head and kick his legs. I truly love this boy. For him, I will continue to learn my lessons of parenthood and hopefully pass.


Anonymous said...

Dear Honey (Lo Gong)

I just want to say how blessed I am to have such a loving husband and how lucky Evann is to have a father like you. You have been nothing but a hero in Evann's eyes and a true soulmate in mine. :) I have to say, we do make a great team and we work really well together as parents. You have changed so much in the past 3 years and I want to say how proud I am and how much I love you (sa rang he yo). Big hug and kiss from Mommy L and Baby Evann. Keep up the good work Dada!

Daddy V. said...

Dear Honey (Lo Po),

I think that we are both blessed to have such a wonderful little family. I am as blessed as you are in having a loving, caring and incredible partner/soulmate.

I can't imagine having little Evann with anyone else. He is a perfect little being and you are an amazing mother already (and wife). I look forward to spending my life watching Evann and our love grow.

Dada V.

Here's the real time chronicles of my sons (there's 2 now) from the days before birth to present day from the father's point of view.